Hello and Welcome! I’m Aidan Mayes - musician, teacher, artist, singer/songwriter, business owner and proud Okanagan woman. I live and breathe music and it’s my purpose and greatest passion to share my gift with music lovers like yourself.

After enjoying my childhood and teen years in Penticton, BC, I moved to Victoria to attend the Canadian College of Performing Arts where I graduated with honours. Following my studies I spent a decade playing different stages across Canada. I then returned home to the Okanagan Valley permanently as a music teacher and performing artist. 

Since being back in Penticton, I have continued my music theory studies and graduated with the highest accreditation from the Royal Conservatory of Music, opened my own music school The Aidan Mayes School of Music, released four albums and continue to write and perform music as a professional performing artist and musician. 

For 12 years, I shared the stage with the talented singer and music teacher, Mandy Cole, in our powerhouse duo, Aidan & Mandy. We released 2 albums together, played extensively across the South Okanagan Valley and reveled in the magic of two female voices in harmony. We are now focusing on our solo endeavors exclusively. For nostalgic purposes and to see more about Aidan & Mandy- check out our instagram website.

In 2021, I created an online music program called Play Your Song - 9 weeks of musical self-care for adults using The Aidan Mayes Method. It’s become the joy of my life to facilitate this creative community and in Sept 2024, the Verse 5 launch will continue.

When I’m not on stage or teaching online, you can find me laughing and songwriting, mountain biking, enjoying Okanagan life with my partner - community builder, songwriter and touring musician - Dan Tait, having coffee and snuggling our feisty little cat, Ceviche in West Kelowna, BC.